
Worksharing: Humming scape

This WORKSHARING is the culmination of just 1 week of residency, where the artists have been investigating ideas for the stage.

Tid & sted

Lørdag den 5. oktober 2024

kl. 14-16

Godsbanen, Åben Scene Skovgaardsgade 3, Aarhus C

Billet & pris

This WORKSHARING is the culmination of just 1 week of residency, where the artists have been investigating ideas for the stage.

Now you get to meet the raw artistic research material up close and engage in a conversation where we open up the themes and approaches of the research even further.
Humming Scape is a research project where the act of humming serves as the central practice from which movement and interaction with the scenography will emerge. The research is facilitated and choreographed by Roosa Törmä. In the research there is a desire to explore the imaginations and emotions associated with humming when it intersects with dance. In addition to humming and moving, the working space will be filled with fishing nets and other materials that emerge through the research process. Textiles will be examined to understand how they can interact with the moving body and how they can be used to bring people together. The project is curious about the associations between community and the act of humming. Throughout the week, a sparring partner with expertise in social psychology will be involved, contributing with insights to the process.

ABOUT THE ARTISTSThe group of artists all graduated from The Danish National School of Performing Arts (2021-2022) and has a history of researching short projects collectively. This is the first time one of them is inviting others into her own research. The group is excited to see what will emerge when their experience of working together meets Törmäs research.

For more information about the artists visit our website

TICKETSParticipation is free, but please book your ticket as seats are limited.
ABOUT IN PROCESSIN PROCESS is HAUT's 1-2 week long residency format that makes space for physical brainstorms supporting the investigation and the development of new ideas for the stage.

This group of artists have been invited into residency through the open call "IN PROCESS - Injections #3", whose focus was to support artists working in the performing arts who are interested in inviting in new perspectives, knowledge and experience from people they do not know, to influence their artistic process. The open call was curated in collaboration with Trine Sørensen from Åbne Scene.
The residency is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, The Bikuben Foundation and The Municipality of Copenhagen.